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Tactile Choreographies Research / INFINITY

Tactile Choreographies Research

As part of her engagement with TOPAZ/IN-FINITY Vera Tussing gathered several of her collaborators to work on a series to short research interventions with the Guests of TOPAZ. One of her final projects resulted in: Tactile Choreographies. This research installation is build around the idea of embroidery as a mode of generating both spatial, tactile and choreographic trajectories. To support the embroidered path, an interlaced wooden ‘choreographic sculpture’ is placed as support.* Touch situates us in space. It builds a sense of embodied connectivity within one’s kinesphere. One can experience touch directly, or one can achieve an empathetic relationally through observing touch occur at a distance. Both Tactile Scores and  Tactile Choreographies are an attempt to bridge both of these forms of the tactile encounter.


*Research 2019 - Choreographic Sculptures

Tactile Choreographies Vera Tussing direction, Esse Vanderbruggen main Collaborator, Fabian Daxhelet - Set/Woodwork, Jivan van den End - Costume Design, Vera Tussing & Esse Vanderbruggen Embroidery

Research Tactile Quartet: Clara Levy, Ruben Martinez Orio, Sinouhé Gilot, Hugo Boulanger, David Dupouy, Anastasia Laurent, Esther Singier, Dorelle Sluchin

Both,Two tactile Programme Note: in Collaboration with Esse Vanderbruggen design and making

Thank you to: Topaz Guests & Muriel Hérault, Magrit Duchateau

​​Vera Tussings creative processes, performances and installations are driven by her interests in dance, movement, perception, the senses, embodied experience, multisensorial spectatorship, collectivity and consent. Her most recent series of work, the Tactile Cycle, is formed of stage creations, sculptures and movement-sound installations focussed around the creation of unique, inter-personal encounters between audience and performer. She graduated from London Contemporary Dance School, and has worked as a dancer, director and researcher throughout Belgium, the UK and across Europe.



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