Tactile Choreographies Research / INFINITY

Tactile Choreographies Research
As part of her engagement with TOPAZ/IN-FINITY Vera Tussing gathered several of her collaborators to work on a series to short research interventions with the Guests of TOPAZ. One of her final projects resulted in: Tactile Choreographies. This research installation is build around the idea of embroidery as a mode of generating both spatial, tactile and choreographic trajectories. To support the embroidered path, an interlaced wooden ‘choreographic sculpture’ is placed as support.* Touch situates us in space. It builds a sense of embodied connectivity within one’s kinesphere. One can experience touch directly, or one can achieve an empathetic relationally through observing touch occur at a distance. Both Tactile Scores and Tactile Choreographies are an attempt to bridge both of these forms of the tactile encounter.
Tactile Choreographies Vera Tussing direction, Esse Vanderbruggen main Collaborator, Fabian Daxhelet - Set/Woodwork, Jivan van den End - Costume Design, Vera Tussing & Esse Vanderbruggen Embroidery
Research Tactile Quartet: Clara Levy, Ruben Martinez Orio, Sinouhé Gilot, Hugo Boulanger, David Dupouy, Anastasia Laurent, Esther Singier, Dorelle Sluchin
Both,Two tactile Programme Note: in Collaboration with Esse Vanderbruggen design and making
Thank you to: Topaz Guests & Muriel Hérault, Magrit Duchateau